Thursday, November 4, 2010

A sheep with two legs

This sheep was born with two legs. *Photos: Iberpress

According to Chinese media reports, in a farm in Shandong province, east of the country, a sheep born with only two legs.
I discover this recently on the net and I decide to blog with it. Just imagine this;
Farmer Cui Jinxiu seeing the animal in this condition thought to kill it but later it became the ‘darling sheep’ of the farm.
“When it born, got up on its two legs to suck his mother” the owner said. “This fact changed my mind and I decided to keep it alive.”
The sheep with only two legs, had no trouble to walk faster and can stand still.
This is one of the wonders of our time. what do you think post your comment below.

1 comment:

  1. men this looks interesting. its not everyday you can see pics like this.


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